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English Language


Hessle and Wolfreton Sixth Form College

Who is the course aimed at?     

English language is attractive to students who:

  • Have a genuine interest in the possibilities afforded by a structured knowledge of language within society
  • Have been successful in the subject at GCSE level
  • Enjoy critical debate
  • Are interested in any career which involves English language, such as journalism, law, teaching and more

What will you learn?     

You will study the following on the course:

  • Exploring Language
    • Language under the microscope
    • Writing about a topical language issue
    • Comparing and contrasting texts
  • Dimensions of Linguistic Variation
    • Child language acquisition
    • Language in the media
    • Language change
  • Independent Language Research
    • Investigation (2,000 - 2,500 words)
    • Academic poster (750 - 1,000 words)

This course looks at English in its various forms and contexts. It will develop a variety of skills including critical reading, data analysis, evaluation and the ability to develop and sustain arguments.

How will you be assessed?         

  • Component 1: Exploring Language - 2 hour 30 minute exam 40% of A Level
  • Component 2: Dimensions of Linguistic Variation - 2 hour 30 minute exam 40% of A Level
  • Component 3: Independent Language Research - Internally assessed coursework 20% of A Level

How will you learn?       

  • Teacher led activities and interactive teaching introducing new material
  • Regular homework tasks to consolidate new material
  • Independent learning sessions
  • Independent research and data collection
  • Use of past examination questions and mark schemes
  • Taking part in debate and discussion
  • Working in groups including making and delivering presentations
  • One to one coursework tutorials
  • Application and evaluation of critical interpretations

Enrichment activities and independent learning?           

  • Visits to facilitate linguistic research
  • Revision activities outside of regular lessons, both in school and at university

What or where next?    

Future opportunities to follow English related degree courses at university or college include English language, linguistics, journalism, teacher training and joint English.

Future opportunities for work in the field of English language include publishing, media, law, speech therapy, teaching, journalism and more.

More information          

For more information about this course please see the specification below or contact the sixth form team.